My Review Of Moana


Moana: My Review

I am a lover of all things Disney does. Well for the most part. My friends will tell you that I don’t love Mulan ( which is less about the movie and more about the fact that she is not a princess like everyone claims, and that annoys me. That however is another topic.) and though I have not seen it all, I don’t like The Incredibles much. I know that one always upsets people, but I tried to watch it and I was so bored I shut it off. Anyway, besides those things I do love all things Disney. I am a huge fan of the classics, and because of that I struggled loving the new animation because it just looked so different. So when Tangled was realeased  I struggled to love it, because it was not the princess type I knew. However it grew on me and just in time for them to release Frozen which stole my heart quickly. And that brings us to Moana! I will say this, like Mulan, she is not a princess, and honestly she even states she isn’t. However this movie is great. Let me break the scale down for you:




Moana: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o°  – I give her character five mouse heads. She is a powerful female lead. It’s not about her falling in love. It’s not even about her being rebellious because she wants to be with a man. It’s about her following her heart to save her people. I don’t want to give to much away but she is by far one of the best female leads Disney has ever created. Auli’i who voices her is outstanding!


Maui: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – Maui is a character I didn’t expect to like. I am not a huge fan of “The Rock” and so hearing that he voiced him, well let’s just say it turned me off the movie a bit. However he did a phenomenal job and I was pleasantly surprised. I can admit I was wrong. Maui’s character is not just a mystical creature but a deep character that’s story ties the movie together and has you falling in love with this  Demi God and it’s not about his “hair” or “the bod”. HAHA


Grandma Tala: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – I would give her infinity mouse heads but I just don’t think that would be fair. This character is the movie. She is witty, charismatic, and loveable. Not to give anything away but, though she is not in the movie a lot, it would not have been the same without her. Rachel House did a fantastic job voicing her and giving Grandma Tala so much spirit and making her so feisty. Probably my favorite character in the whole movie.


Chief Tui: °o° °o° °o° °o° – The chief gets only four heads, not because he wasn’t great, but because he was a typical Disney dad. He had a way he wanted things done and he squelched his child’s dreams a lot. Sure he had his reasons, but it is the typical way Disney makes dads look so it wasn’t anything refreshing. He also wasn’t in the movie enough to really earn more than that. He reminded me a lot of King Triton.

Sina: °o° °o° °o° °o°- Sina also doesn’t receive a perfect five. She is such a minor character that I can’t find a way to give her more. It’s refreshing for once that the main Disney child has both parents I will say that. Sina is pretty silent, her husband is the leader and she is very much the quiet dutiful wife. Which is not bad, just not strong enough for five mouse heads.


Tamatoa: °o° °o° °o° – I am not going to give anyone below a three on this review, but to say he left something to be desired is an understatement. This character for me was not much of a villain, and kind of annoying honestly. I don’t have a lot of good to say about him other than at the very end of the movie, past the credits there is a part where you see him left in the same predicament as he was in the movie still waiting for help. He makes a Little Mermaid reference which is his saving grace as far as I am concerned.

There were other very minor characters in the movie, like a pig named Pua who didn’t have much role wise, some coconut pirates, Te Fiti the god, and a crazy, not right chicken named Hey Hey. They didn’t have enough role really to be given mouse heads but they were nice additions.

Storyline: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – I thought the storyline was great. It empowers young girls to know they can be leaders. It also has nothing to do with a girl finding love. It’s about family, honor, and love of life. It’s a refreshing change to most Disney films with a female lead! It gives a great role model for young girls to look up to. Brave, Strong, Independent, and faces fears head on. Great storyline!

Music: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – The music is phenomenal! I mean it’s been a long time since Disney knocked one out of the park. It’s upbeat, empowering, and fun! The only song I feel didn’t fit and I wasn’t a huge fan of is Tamatoa’s song Shiny. To me that song did not go with the rest of the soundtrack, but one strike on a grand slam can be overlooked.

Overall: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – The character, music, and story line were amazing and so the overall theme of the movie received five mouse heads and my recommendation to go see it! I have already seen it twice and I am betting I will see it more.

Disclaimers About The Movie: The only thing I would say is there are a few parts that could frighten small children. When they go into the Realm Of Monsters it’s a little creepy before you meet Tamatoa. I will also say if you are of the Christian faith and you have children who question things, be prepared for questions about why Moana’s people believe in so many gods. That’s it though. It is very family friendly.

If you are curious about what I thought of the short before it, here is that as well:

Disney Short Before Moana: °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° – The short had no words, but you didn’t need them. It was comical and cute. Kids will love it, but hardworking adults will connect to it easily.


Well that is all I have for you on my first Disney review! Hope you enjoy! And remember:


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